Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Children are a blessing

I spend every day, every moment with my two little bundles of joy. I change diapers every hour, read books every 30 min, I sing Pooh Bear theme songs before breakfast and after lunch, I nurse constantly, I soothe tears, kisses bruises, wipe dirty noses and doctor rashes; I spend every waking moment and even the sleeping hours thinking and mothering. Some people might say that's exhausting, don't you ever want a break? Its never exhausting and the times I do get out for some free time, I'm always missing them within an hour and can't wait to get back home to them. I can't imagine life without them both. I love being home all day. I love cooking, doing laundry, cleaning, writing (yes I get writing done here and there) and working on DIY projects, like making homeade hand soap. (shout out here to Young Living Essential Oils) I love doing all of this. Its restful, peaceful and so rewarding. And when I think of the fruit of what will bring it is so fully rich of blessing. These two lives that depend so solely on my care  right now could one day impact that world. Instead of overwhelming me, it is humbling. Nurturing the life of human being from the day they are created is beyond the best job and career in life. It has so much farther reaching results than any other career or position in life I can think of.

Every day I treasure because I know these days go fast. Children grow exponentially and these little moments of sweet sighs, little voices and pattering feet don't last forever. I watch as they learn new things every day from first smiles to first sentences. Its likes watching creation being spoken into being. There is glory and peace all wrapped into timeless moments. The blessing of children dictates the atmosphere in a home. Like the first spoken word that was breathed from God's lips, the lives and spirits of children breathe life and a creation of joy within a home. I know this is the fruit of months of prayer and setting our hearts as parents in the right place of receiving them as blessings and speaking the truth of who they are in Christ over them. (I mean literally speaking out verbally the truths of who they are)

People always marvel at the happiness and ease with which both my kids interact with the world. I can't attribute it to good parenting, because I feel like a fail at things every day. It has everything to do with speaking life and not death, refusing to speak the curses of low expectations and stereotypes of them, and instead proclaiming what God has destined them to be. People keep saying: "Well, just wait til she gets a little older or until he starts crawling." She got older folks and its not anywhere close to all your nay-saying. She has a sin nature, not doubt about that, but its not like this big shock. When we work through temper-tantrums or impatience or frustration I never feel like it is wearing me out, mostly because it happens so infrequently. He's not crawling yet of course, but he has been sleeping through the nights since 4 weeks. I honestly don't know how that happened, except that God has surrounded that child with a peace that surpasses all understanding. And I am telling you that comes out of the place of prayer and placing our children in surrender to the Lord's leadership and care. I am seriously selfish and imperfect as a parent and to be blessed with children who are so patient and so easy, seems beyond what I deserve. I keep waiting for something to get hard, something to get seriously challenging, but it only gets better. I don't understand how or why, except that the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever. His promise that children are a blessing is literal and He eagerly and graciously gives when we ask to receive that promise.

I am so thankful and pray that my heart can expand to hold and faithfully care for the good that He gives.

Isabelle Noelle, March 2014
Benjamin Titus, March 2014


  1. I miss reading the things you write:)
    Love hearing about whats going on in your life...
    Cant wait to see you!!

  2. Bringing the kingdom to earth. Thank you Jesus for connection with Your reality and the power, grace and life that comes through you! - Tasha, I love reading your heart poured out on pages. Love you!


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